eine Hand, die eine Pflanze neben Geld pflückt

Factoring sustainability into our investments

As a pension fund, we think in generations. For us, the sustainability of our investments is not just part of our day-to-day work, but also a fundamental pillar of our long-term success – and thus of secure pensions for our insureds.

We manage the retirement savings capital of over 120 000 active insureds. In our capacity as a co-operative, we are aware of our responsibility as an investor with a high investment volume. This is why – since 1 April 2020 – we have systematically factored ESG criteria into our investments. ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance – in other words, issues that are conditional on the application of sustainability in these three areas.

In line with our pension fund’s fiduciary responsibility, we have worked with the Executive Board and the Board of Directors, as well as an external expert on sustainability, to draw up a sustainability policy that enables us to take a proactive approach to ESG risks. The policy we developed in order to factor sustainability into our investments – as a strategic component – was the logical outcome. This policy is based on three pillars and accompanied by a climate policy.

We define goals

Our sustainability policy serves our insureds, in that we reduce investment and reputational risks and promote the sustainable management of the companies we are invested in. We are guided by globally accepted standards and not by subjective or perceived values. We follow Swiss law (e.g. legislation governing the export of war material) and international conventions ratified by Switzerland (such as the Paris Agreement) and the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact. We also ensure that our external asset managers sign the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI).

Together we can achieve more

By becoming a member of the Swiss association for responsible investments (Schweizer Verein für verantwortungsbewusste Kapitalanlagen, SVVK – ASIR), we are able to work with a strong partner that assists its members in terms of implementing normative screening as well as dialogue with companies. In introducing a binding sustainable capital investment policy we are committing to a promise: We aim to continually improve and to regularly review our efforts. We report openly and transparently in our Annual Report and on an ongoing basis on our website and other channels.