Home Employer
The documents can easily be completed on-screen and printed out.
- Notification of Changes
- Notification of unpaid leave (valid from 1.1.2025)
- Collective Notification of Changes
- Termination Report
- Collective Termination Notice
- Doctor's Report on Death
- Notification of Change for Partial Retirement
- Notification of Contract Transfer
- Notification of Death
- Notification of Incapacity for Work
- Registration for AsgaOnline
- Power of Attorney
- Leaflet Employee Pension Commission (EPC)
- Leaflet Pensions and Limit Values as of 1st January 2025
- Leaflet Unpaid Leave
- Leaflet Optional Possibilities on Retirement Plans (Optional Plan)
- Fund Regulation 2024
- Cost Regulation
New joiners & changes
Notify us of the new joiner within 30 days.
Who is subject to BVG/LPP contributions?
- Employees from age 17 up to the regular retirement age.
- The annual AHV/AVS contributory salary is higher than CHF 22 680.
- The employment relationship is limited to more than three months or is unlimited.
- Employees who do not already have occupational pension coverage from other (primary) employment.
- Notify us of the person to be insured using the Notification of change form or via our AsgaOnline portal.
- We will send you a list of benefits/contributions; new employees will receive their insurance certificate and a personalized payment slip for the transfer of vested benefits directly.
Notify us of changes within 30 days.
Who is subject to BVG/LPP contributions?
- Employees aged 17 or over who have not yet reached the regular retirement age.
- The annual AHV/AVS contributory salary is higher than CHF 22 680.
- The employment relationship is limited to more than three months or is unlimited.
- Employees who do not already have occupational pension coverage from other (primary) employment.
- Send us the Notification of change form or notify us of any changes via our AsgaOnline portal.
- We will send you a list of benefits/contributions; new employees will receive their pension statement directly.
What do you need to do if new employees join the company or in the case of a change in salary level, circle or marital status?
What do you need to do if employees leave your company or no longer reach the BVG/LPP minimum entry threshold?
Notify us of exits within 30 days.
The termination payment consists of the savings contributions made as well as any voluntary contributions including interest.
Inform your employees that they themselves are responsible for transferring a termination payment to a new pension fund or a blocked vested benefits account.
- You send us the termination report for the respective employee or report the exit via the AsgaOnline portal.
- We will send a final statement and the form Utilisation of termination benefit to the employee who has left.
Salary notification
At the beginning of each year, please report the projected annual AHV/AVS contributory salaries of your employees. We will use these as a basis for sending you quarterly statements in arrears.
If you make an assumption in the case of employees with an irregular income, you can always report changes in salary during the year.
Submit the salary list to us on time even if the new salaries will not be determined until later or contact us to extend the deadline.
- You will either receive the salary list by post in mid-December or it will be available on AsgaOnline.
- Report the projected salaries for all your employees for the coming year.
- We will send you a list of benefits/contributions for the new year. Your employees will receive the new insurance certificates directly.
The regular retirement age corresponds to the regular AHV/AVS retirement age. Early retirement is only possible as of age 58, with the option of partial retirement. Retirement planning may be extended voluntarily until age 70 at the latest.
Normal retirement begins on reaching the normal AHV/AVS retirement age.
We do not impose a deadline in the case of a lump-sum withdrawal.
Voluntary purchases made in the last three years before retirement cannot be withdrawn as a lump sum. The relevant tax authority will decide if a partial lump-sum withdrawal is possible.
- Two to three months prior to normal retirement, your employee will automatically receive a reply form to notify us of the desired method of withdrawal.
Retirement begins before reaching the normal AHV/AVS retirement age.
The Asga Pension Fund does not impose a deadline in the case of a lump-sum withdrawal.
An early pension withdrawal leads to a reduction in the conversion rate.
- Two to three months prior to the retirement date, you will submit to us a notice of termination or notify us of the exit via our online portal, adding the remark “early retirement”.
- We will send a reply form to your employees so that they can notify us of the desired method of withdrawal.
As of age 58, partial retirement of at least 10% is possible subject to the employer’s consent.
A future increase in the number of hours worked is not possible.
Three partial retirement stages per year are possible. There is a maximum of five partial retirement stages, but the withdrawal of retirement benefits in the form of capital is permitted only up to a maximum of three stages. In the event of more partial retirement stages, the benefits may only be drawn as a pension.
The degree of employment and the salary must be reduced in line with the degree of partial retirement.
- You send us the form Notification of change for partial retirement.
- We will send you a list of benefits/contributions showing the newly insured salary. The employees concerned will receive the updated insurance certificate directly.
- Payment will be made in the desired manner to your employees after provision of all the necessary details.
Gainful employment is continued beyond the normal retirement age and retirement planning is voluntarily extended. There is also the possibility of continuing pension cover on a non-contributory basis, which means that the accrued capital will earn interest.
The previous risk amount is no longer applicable.
The retirement benefits and conversion rate will increase. In the case of non-contributory continuation of pension cover, the retirement benefits increase only by the amount of the current interest.
Definitive retirement is possible at any time.
- You submit to us written confirmation, signed by the employer and employee, stating that the employment relationship is being extended beyond the normal retirement age and that savings contributions are to be continued voluntarily. Your employee decides whether the continuation of pension cover should be with or without savings contributions. The contributions are distributed as previously, administrative costs continue to be levied in each case.
- We will send you a list of benefits/contributions showing the newly insured benefits. The employees concerned will receive the updated insurance certificate directly.
Incapacity for work
If employees of yours have been unable to work for more than 90 days owing to an accident or sickness, we request that you report the case to us so that the insurance continues.
Multiple periods of incapacity for work due to the same cause within one year are counted together.
Until any disability is established, contributions will only be credited provisionally based on daily sickness benefits statements and medical certificates.
- You notify us of any case of incapacity for work lasting more than 90 days using the appropriate form and also submit all related daily sickness benefits statements and medical certificates.
- If the conditions are satisfied and we have received all the required documents, contributions will be credited together with the quarterly statement.
You have lost an employee or family member – we would liketo express our sincere condolences. In order for us to make the necessary adjustments, please notify us of the death.
The exit of the deceased person takes place after notification of the death as of the date of death. Contributions are due up to and including the date of death.
- Please notify us of the death using the appropriate form.
- In order to check the requirements for survivors’ benefits, we would be grateful if you could provide us with the name of a contact person from the family of the deceased person, if known.
- If no contact person is given, we will request the documents through the employers.
Unpaid leave
Insurance cover is not automatically paid by the pension fund during a period of unpaid leave.
Insurance coverage continues in full as previously. Both savings and risk contributions are continued unchanged.
The duration of any unpaid leave must be reported to us prior to commencement (Duration min. 1 month up to max. 24 months from commencement).
The amounts will be charged in full to your contribution account and you yourself will settle with the employees concerned how they are to be divided.
If contributions are not paid or not in full, insurance coverage can no longer be guaranteed further.
- You report to us in writing the duration of the unpaid leave of your employees.
- We will keep a record, but not send out any further documents in this regard as the insurance coverage and the contributions remain unchanged.
Savings contributions are suspended during the period of unpaid leave and only risk insurance is continued at the same level as before.
The duration of any unpaid leave must be reported to us prior to commencement (Duration min. 1 month up to max. 24 months from commencement).
The amounts (risk contribution and administrative costs) will be charged in full to your contribution account and you yourself will settle with the employees concerned how they are to be divided.
If contributions are not paid or not in full, insurance coverage can no longer be guaranteed further.
- You report to us in writing the duration of the unpaid leave of your employees.
- We will send you a list of benefits/contributions. The employees concerned will receive the updated insurance certificate directly.
If the insured person has not selected a continuation option by the start of the leave, the insurance will be suspended from the start of the leave until its end.
We recommend that you take out interim UVG/LAA insurance for the duration of the unpaid leave.
The employer reports the departure prior to the unpaid leave.
The employer reports the return after the unpaid leave.
If you have any questions about your company’s pension plan, a new address, changes, benefit cases, etc.
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If you have any questions about your company’s pension plan, or in the case of a new address or change: