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A co-operative out of conviction

"Together we are Asga. Your interests are our interests."

In our case it’s the members of the co-operative that decide. Anyone insured with Asga is automatically a member of our co-operative. Members are represented on the Delegates’ Assembly – the supreme governing body. Employees as well as members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board are insured with Asga and personally committed to it. This ensures that actions are taken exclusively for the benefit of the members.

"A pension fund for businesses and SMEs. Efficient and highly personal."

When Asga was established nearly 60 years ago, securing the funding of retirement benefits on behalf of businesses in Eastern Switzerland was the co-operative’s objective. Today, businesses and SMEs throughout German-speaking Switzerland trust us with their retirement assets. With 130 employees, we too are an SME and are familiar with your needs in relation to pension provision.

"Highly personalised in future too."

A handful of members present when our co-operative was founded supported the idea of creating their own independent pension scheme. Back then, they probably knew each other personally. Even today, when we now have over 14,000 member firms, personal ties are the basis on which we work. Our insureds trust us with their retirement assets. We are conscious of our responsibility on a daily basis. Managing, investing and growing money is a mental exercise, while the positive feeling you get when you provide for the future in a safe and proper manner comes from the heart. Retirement provision is an extremely personal matter.

"Good management shouldn't cost much."

Asga was founded in 1962 to secure the occupational benefits of its members through collective self-help. The belief was that an independent co-operative would be able to look after the benefits of members in a more targeted way as well as manage the money more safely, efficiently and transparently. Saving costs on behalf of our members is part of our DNA.