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The documents can easily be completed on-screen and printed out.
- Questionnaire for Calculating the Maximum Possible Purchase
- Application for an Advance Withdrawal of Retirement Assets of the Pension Fund for Home-Ownership Promotion (HOP)
- Utilisation of the Termination Benefit
- Declaration of beneficiaries for single persons
- Declaration of beneficiaries/Notification of partnership for persons with a cohabiting parting
- Declaration of beneficiaries/Notification of partnership for married persons and persons in a registered partnership
- Declaration Concerning Cash Payout due to the Start of Self-Employment as a Main Occupation
- Declaration Concerning Cash Payout of Vested Benefits due to permanent Departure from Switzerland
- Payout of the Termination Benefit due to Marginal Employment
- Registration for continuing insurance for external insurees
- Notification of Changes
- Notification of transfer: continuing insurance for external insurees
- Notification of unpaid leave
- Collective Notification of Changes
- Termination Report
- Collective Termination Notice
- Notification of Incapacity for Work
- Notification of Change for Partial Retirement
- Power of Attorney
- Notification of Death
- Doctor's Report an Death
- Registration for AsgaOnline
- Contract information of the current pension fund
- Fixed Investment Contribution Reserves/Employee Pension Funds
- Order IST Mixta Optima/SMI Index I
Information sheets
- Information sheet on unpaid leave (valid from 1.1.2025)
- Introduction of AsgaOnline
- Leaflet Purchase for Early Retirement
- Leaflet Home-Ownership Promotion With Funds from Occupational Pension
- Leaflet continuing insurance for external insurees
- Leaflet Unpaid Leave
- Conversion Rates in Percent of the Retirement Assets
- Opportunities for single persons to name beneficiaries
- Opportunities for persons with a cohabiting partner (living-in partner) to name beneficiaries
- Opportunities for married persons or persons in a registered partnership to name beneficiaries
- Leaflet Retirement Pension or Retirement Assets
- Leaflet Employee Pension Commission (EPC)
- Leaflet Pensions and Limit Values as of 1st January 2025
- Leaflet Optional Possibilities on Retirement Plans (Optional Plan)
- Leaflet Asserting a Benefit from the Security Fund BVG
- Leaflet Cash Payout of Vested Benefits at Departure into an EU or EFTA Country
- Leaflet Early-Retirement Model ERM – Working Time Reduction or Preliminary Retirement
- Leaflet Flexible Retirement in the Building Industry
- Leaflet Insurance Subordination
- Leaflet Principality of Liechtenstein
- Overview of Death Benefits
For employers
If you have any questions about your company’s pension plan, or in the case of a new address or change:
For employees
If you have any questions about the insurance certificate, payments, purchases or advance withdrawals: