Asga is organised as a co-operative. This ensures a high degree of transparency and gives members a direct say.
The Assembly of Delegates is the supreme governing body of the co-operative. It is made up of equal numbers of 50 delegates from the affiliated companies (employer representatives) and 50 delegates from among the insured employees (employee representatives).
The delegates – plus 20 each of delegated substitute employer and employee representatives – are elected by the Assembly of Delegates for a period of four years. When the election list is drawn up, care is taken to ensure that regions and sectors are suitably represented.
The Ordinary Assembly of Delegates is held in the first half of the year. In the second half of the year, delegates attend the AsgaForum. The Forum is an information and training event at which members of the Board of Directors, the Executive Board and the officers responsible report on developments at Asga and answer questions put by the delegates.
Vorname | Nachname | Firma |
Franz | Allenspach | Hemair Luftkanalsysteme GmbH |
Beat | Anderegg | safetyfocus GmbH |
Marco | Bärtsch | Prefera Immobilien AG |
Petra | Bernhardt | H.P. Burkhalter+Partner AG |
Maurus | Blumenthal | Bündner Gewerbeverband |
Peter | Bohnenblust | Pologgi SA |
Daniel | Büchel | Leomat AG |
Marco | Cincera | Toptima AG |
Rolf | Fankhauser | TCA – Thermoclima AG |
Gian-Marco | Fedrizzi | MillTech AG |
Lorenz | Fivian | Lorenz Fivian |
Hugo | Fontana | Fontana & Fontana AG |
Martin | Frischknecht | Ingesa AG |
Cornelia | Fuchs | Heilpädagogische Schule Oberaargau |
Matthias | Gafner | Gafner Maschinenbau AG |
Jakob | Gysel | Baitella AG |
Markus | Hasler | Hasler Gartenbau GmbH |
Thomas | Hess | Kant. Gewerbeverband Zürich KGV |
Ivo | Högg | Högg Holding AG |
Patrick | Meier | büro neuf GmbH |
Melanie | Huber | Huber Umweltlogistik AG |
Gregor | Infanger | Hotz Elektro AG |
Christian | Jost | Consultive Revisions AG |
Felix | Keller | Gewerbeverbände SG |
Beat | Kneubühler | Thales Suisse SA |
Urs | Koch | Koch AG |
Peter | Kohler | Kohler Consulting |
Andreas | Lehmann | acrevis Bank AG |
Thomas | Lötscher | Kabarettwerkstatt GmbH |
Urs | Lütolf | BWB-Holding AG |
Antonio | Mangino | AFS all-financial-solutions gmbh |
Werner | Maurer | Maurer Treuhand |
Katja | Meier | Meier Schreinerei Weinfelden AG |
Patrik | Müller | Gemeinnützige und Hilfs-Gesellschaft |
Markus | Näf | Energie Zürichsee Linth AG |
Josef | Neff | Panetarium AG |
Giuseppe | Puce | Jobzentrum AG |
Christoph | Rauber | Fibrecom Rauber Consulting |
Thomas | Schwarz | Schwarz Technik AG |
Björn | Sonderegger | P. Sonderegger AG |
Tony | Spirig | Spirig Fassaden GmbH |
Reto | Stiefel | Evangelische Mittelschule Schiers |
Reto | Ulrich | Sun-Snack AG |
Maurizio | Vicini | Tawa |
Marcel | Weber | Froma Metallbau AG |
Marc | Widler | Gewerbeverband Thurgau |
Stefan | Wieser | WIESER Wirtschaftsberatung AG |
Markus | Zimmermann | Robo-Mat AG |
Marco | Zimmermann | Zimmermann AG |
Vorname | Nachname | Firma |
Yvonne | Ammann | Bograma AG |
Thomas | Antolini | Josef Amstutz AG |
Nadja | Arnold | Artho Holz- und Elementbau AG |
Boris | Binzegger | NRP Ingenieure AG |
Peter | Blattner | Karl Blattner AG |
Daniel | Bucher | MBS TKB AG |
Christian | Buchli | Ernst Brunner AG |
Heinz | Buri | Altherr Nutzfahrzeuge AG |
Karl | Büsser | Westermo Neratec AG |
Karin | Bützer | Future Change |
Frauke | Charton | Octapharma AG |
Karl | Costabiei | Oertli Instrumente AG |
Jason | Deane | Optiprint AG |
Franziska | Di Caprio | p-4 AG |
Delia | Dürig | Schreinerei Fehlmann AG |
René | Forer | A. Gini AG |
Thomas | Gähwiler | Projekt 3 Architektur GmbH |
Michael | Gerig | Hardegger Käse AG |
Steven | Goodman | Climeworks AG |
Adrian | Hässig | Afondo Consulting GmbH |
Fabian | Herter | Hutter Baumaschinen AG |
Reto | Hirschi | AHV AIHK |
Thomas | Humbel | acasa männedorf |
Daniel | Kressig | Högg Liftsysteme AG |
Bruno | Locher | Kobelt AG |
Donat | Locher | SIGNALHORN AG |
Norbert | Loher | Huber + Monsch AG |
Ignaz | Mainberger | FICOMA Treuhand AG |
Stephan | Matt | neukom engineering ag |
Kurt | Maus | Baumeisterverband |
Robert | Meier | VSSM Verband Schwizerischer Schreinermeister und Möbelfabrikanten |
Daniela | Muff | Suisselearn Media AG |
Josef | Niederberger | Storck (Schweiz) GmbH |
Rolf | Rechberger | Johanneum |
Christa | Ruch | Stebler Holding |
Enrico | Schildknecht | Diakonieverband Ländli |
Michael | Schneller | Albin Allenspach AG |
Remo | Schönbächler | WKK Kaltbrunn AG |
Marco | Sennhauser | INTUS BROKER AG |
Anton | Solenthaler | ASA Schulung – Arbeitsmittel GmbH |
Olivia | Sorgen | Oekopack Conservus AG |
Tania | Teixeira | Rudolf & Bieri AG |
Patrick | Vetter | Schubarth & Co. AG |
Isabelle | Wagenbichler | Aequator AG |
Roger | Zahner | Dobler AG |
Mirco | Zanini | IM Maggia Engineering SA |
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is charged with the supervision of the co-operative. The Board consists of eight members, comprising an equal number of employer and employee representatives.
Stefan Bodmer, lic. oec. HSG | Chairman of the Board of Directors | Employer representative |
Silvia Corchia | Vice president, ATAG Wirtschaftsorganisationen AG | Employee representative |
Thomas de Courten | Member of the National Council, Swiss People’s Party SVP, Basel-Landschaft | Employer representative |
David Ganz | Chairman of the board of the Plättli Ganz Baumaterial Holding AG, CEO Ganz Group | Employer representative |
Thomas Kälin | Senior Relationship Manager, Candriam Switzerland | Employee representative |
Sonja Lendenmann-Meyer, lic. iur. HSG | Lawyer, Advocat AG | Employee representative |
Thomas Schoch | CEO and owner, THS AG | Employer representative |
Mirjam Voser | Finances and Publishing, Schweizerischer Gewerbeverband SGV | Employee representative |
Thomas Schoch | Head of the Investment Committee, member of the Board of Directors |
Thomas Kälin | Deputy Head of the Investment Committee, member of the Board of Directors |
Stefan Bodmer | Chairman of the Board of Directors |
Roman Denkinger | Member, external |
Stephan Bereuter | Member, external |
Sergio Bortolin | CEO (without voting rights) |
Frank Wigger | Head of Capital Investments (without voting rights) |
Sonja Lendenmann | Head of the Audit Committee |
Thomas de Courten | Deputy Head of the Audit Committee |
Stefan Bodmer | Chairman of the Board of Directors |
Sergio Bortolin | CEO (without voting rights) |
David Ganz | Head of the Election and Compensation Committee |
Silvia Corchia | Deputy Head of the Election and Compensation Committee |
Mirjam Voser | Board Member |
Sergio Bortolin | CEO (without voting rights) |
Over 150 Asga employees work daily to serve you and our more than 160 000 insureds.
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The partner bodies
We work together with the following partner bodies.
Ostschweizer BVG- und Stiftungsaufsicht
Poststrasse 28
9000 St. Gallen
The guarantee fund safeguards the benefits of insolvent occupational benefits institutions. It also pays out subsidies to the pension fund in the case of an unfavourable age structure. The guarantee fund is financed by the occupational benefits institutions.
Sicherheitsfonds BVG
Eigerplatz 2
Postfach 1023
3000 Bern 14
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
9000 St. Gallen
c-alm AG
Dr. Reto Leibundgut
Neumarkt 5
Vadianstrasse 25a
9000 St. Gallen