Insurance certificate

Insurance certificate

What actually is the “insured salary” and what precisely does the “estimated retirement lump-sum capital” consist of? Here you will find the answers to key questions.


Demo GmbH

Mustermann, Peter
Date of birth01.07.1985 / M
Social security (AHV) number756.xxxx.xxxx.xx
Date of joining the company01.01.2025
Retirement as per31.07.2050
The annual salary to be reported by the employer is the AHV/AVS gross contributory salary.Reported salary95'000
Your contributions and benefits are calculated based on this salary. The definition of insured salary is governed by the contract with your employer, although it cannot be less than the statutory BVG/LPP minimum amount.Insured salary62'260
Membership No.4xxxx
You will receive a new pension certificate as of the cut-off date of 1st of January each year as well as in the event of any interim changes of salary or circle, voluntary contributions, divorce payments or withdrawals/pledges in connection with the encouragement of home ownership.Insured benefits valid as of 01.01.2025
(in Swiss Francs)
BVG shareTotal
Your projected annual retirement pension is calculated on the basis of your projected retirement capital and the applicable conversion rate for your retirement age.Prospective pension benefitsupon retirement at age 65 or27'589.0027'589.00
The projected retirement capital is calculated based on your available retirement savings capital and projected future savings contributions, including 2% projected interest.Prospective lump-sum benefitsupon retirement at age 65405'718.00455'358.00
As the recipient of a retirement pension, you are entitled to a pensioner's child's pension for each child who would be entitled to an orphan's pension in the event of your death. The pensioner's child's pension is paid from the same date as the retirement pension.Propsective pensioner's child benefit per child5'518.005'518.00
Prospective pension benefitsupon retirement at age 64 or25'887.0025'887.00
Prospective lump-sum benefitsupon retirement at age 64389'285.00435'089.00
Prospective pension benefitsupon retirement at age 63 or24'249.0024'249.00
Prospective lump-sum benefitsupon retirement at age 63373'055.00415'218.00
Prospective pension benefitsupon retirement at age 62 or22'671.0022'671.00
Prospective lump-sum benefitsupon retirement at age 62357'025.00395'737.00
Prospective pension benefitsupon retirement at age 61 or21'154.0021'154.00
Voraussichtliches Alterskapitalupon retirement at age 61341'193.00376'637.00
Upon the death of an insured, married persons or those living in a registered partnership are entitled to a partner's pension. Cohabiting partners are likewise entitled to a partner's pension, provided both partners have lived in the same officially confirmed joint household at the same domicile on an interrupted basis for at least five years immediately prior to death. Entitlement also exists if the surviving cohabiting partner is responsible for the maintenance of one or more joint children, even if the joint household has been in existence for less than five years. In either case both partners must be unmarried; in addition, they must not be close relatives, and the insured must have notified Asga of the partner in writing. Asga must be notified of the beneficiary during the life of the insured. Instead of a partner's pension, it is possible to draw a one-off lump-sum settlement equivalent to the available retirement savings capital; however, the settlement must amount to at least three years of annual partner's pensions. Notification of partnership/nomination of beneficiary(ies)Partner's pension13'706.0015'422.00
In the event of death, an orphan's pension is paid for each natural child or for children whose maintenance is your responsibility. The entitlement remains valid until the child's 25th birthday at the latest.Orphan's pension per child4'569.005'141.00
The death lump sum is an insured benefit that is paid once in addition to the partner's pension.Death lump sum 95'000.00
The additional lump-sum death benefit is equivalent to the voluntary purchases, and is paid to the survivors in the event of death.Additional lump-sum death benefit10'000.00
In the event of occupational disability of 25%, the entitlement to a disability pension starts following the contractually agreed waiting period.Disability pension, waiting period 24 months22'844.0025'704.00
As a recipient of a disability pension, you are entitled to a disabled person's child's pension for each child who would be entitled to an orphan's pension in the event of your death. The disabled person's child's pension is paid from the same date as the disability pension.Disabled person's child pension, waiting period 24 months, per child4'569.005'141.00
Exemption from contributions in the case of incapacity to work, delay 3 months The listed pensions are specified in annual amounts
The pension fund contribution consists of the savings contribution (retirement credit), risk premium (insurance for death/disability), charges for the guarantee fund and administrative costs. The employer must pay at least the same amount as the employee into the pension fund.Breakdown of contributions
(in Swiss Francs)
Savings contribution6'246.00
Risk contribution884.40
The statutory contribution for the guarantee fund as of the 1st of January 2025 is 0.13% of the coordinated BVG/LPP salary from age 25.Security fund contribution84.00
Asga Pensionskasse charges for the administrative costs involved in implementing the occupational benefits insurance. These amount to CHF 180.00 per insured annually.Administrative expenses180.00
Total annual contribution7'574.40
Your personal contribution per year3'787.20
Your personal contribution per month315.60
Further information
The retirement savings capital consists of the savings contributions paid, vested termination benefits brought into the fund, interest and contributions such as voluntary purchases by the insured themselves or their employer, or contributions resulting from divorce.Pension assets / termination benefits as per 31.12.20250.000.00
The vested termination benefits are equivalent to the retirement savings capital transferred to Asga by your previous occupational benefits institution or vested termination benefits institution. This amount is shown solely in the current year and incorporated into the retirement savings capital in subsequent years.Vested benefits transferred / deposits and withdrawals in the current year85'000.0085'000.00
You have already drawn this sum under the encouragement of home ownership scheme (WEF). A WEF withdrawal can be made every five years up to three years prior to normal retirement. The minimum withdrawal amount is CHF 20,000.00. For further details, please see our WEF regulations.Early withdrawal to finance residential property (WEF)0.000.00
Instead of a withdrawal, you can pledge your entitlement to benefits or an amount up to the level of your currently available retirement savings capital under the encouragement of home ownership scheme.
The pledge does not reduce the amount of benefits coverage. You will find further information in our information sheet on the encouragement of home ownership.
Pledge to finance residential property (WEF)No
This figure is key, should you be planning a withdrawal for home ownership. From age 50, there are restrictions on the withdrawal of savings capital in connection with the encouragement of home ownership. The maximum possible withdrawal is equivalent to the total capital at age 50, or half the current retirement savings capital on the cut-off date for the withdrawal. The higher of the two amounts applies. A withdrawal can be made up to three years before entitlement to pension benefits becomes effective.Vested benefits at age 500.000.00
If your pension assets have been split in connection with a divorce, the amount paid out can be seen here. A repayment is possible in principle.Payment due to divorce0.000.00
Voluntary purchases of pension benefits allow you to make up any missing contribution years or offset gaps in cover caused by salary increases. You profit from attractive interest rates over the long term, higher retirement benefits (lump-sum benefits) and tax savings. If you would like a definitive calculation of your potential purchases, please complete the relevant questionnaire and submit it to us.Maximum possible buy-in (provisional calculation)2'822.00

Why contributions and benefits can change:

  • Adjustment of the insured salary or change in the degree of employment
  • Transfer to the next higher savings percentage level for retirement credits (savings contributions)
  • Adjustment of risk contributions as a result of increasing age
  • Adjustment of the pension plan with amended pension benefits